Thursday, June 13, 2013

Coming into the new season

Coming into the new season

Spring sports have come to a close or are coming to a close, as you look towards the upcoming fall season for sports. There are many things that you can do to get you ready for the upcoming season.

For many sports, a good thing to be doing is run..Run...RUN!! Get those miles in!!! Running is a great way to build up the muscles that you have in your legs. Building up the muscles in your legs will help you with just about any sport this fall. 

~For Cross Country Runners (Or any other sports with a lot of running)
It is very important that you log your miles. You want to build a very strong foundation for your upcoming sports season, and logging in quite a bit of miles will help!! Here is a link to one of my past posts that can help you with finding a work out to do on your own or with a friend:

On top of logging in your miles, you also want to do the occasional cross training exercises! (<-- Applies to ALL athletes -->) A great cross training exercise would be biking! Like I've stated in one of my past posts (  biking helps to strengthen the area around your knees, and your quads. There are many other cross training exercises that you can do too such as: hiking, lifting weights, core training, etc. You just have to find the exercises that help/work for you!

So just remember that when you are going into a new sports season, there is a lot of preparation that you need to do in order to perform your best during that season!!

Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character. -T. Alan Armstrong

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