Friday, August 31, 2012

Tip of the day


I have briefly touched base on the subject in July 10ths article but I felt the need to come back and give all of you some more details on your core.

I CAN NOT STRESS HOW MUCH YOUR CORE MATTERS!!! No matter what sport you participate in YOU NEED TO HAVE A STRONG CORE! Having a strong core does not necessarily mean having a six pack like your favorite male actor(But it would be nice to have some rocking cool abs right?!), it just means that you need to have abs that aren't like "woah look at me!!" but "I'm here but you just don't really see me" at minimum! 


Like I said before no matter what sport you are in you need to have a strong core. Here are some examples of why:
   *BASKETBALL: A strong core will make it easier for you to jump up and get a rebound
   *RUNNING: Makes it easier to go up hills
   *Tennis: When you swing the tennis racket you are not only using your upper body strength you are also using your core
See what I mean??
Core is one of the MUST HAVE muscles for every sport.


These are some workouts that you can do on your own to help improve your core. Pick a couple of these workouts and do them a couple times a day. A good time would be to do some repetitions during commercials while watching TV.

Sit-ups: Do 30 sit ups take a minute break and do 30 more. =do this at least 2x a day

Planking: (instructions: Start by laying on your stomach, now lift your upper body up onto your fore arms and extend your legs back so your lower body is relying on your toes to keep it up. Keep your back/butt down, but not so far down you look like a seal) Plank for 1 minute, take a minute break and plank for another minute. =do this at least 1x a day

Side Planks: (instructions:lay down on your side, lift your upper body onto (example) right forearm, and use your right foot to keep your lower body up. Place your left hand onto your hip and your left foot on your right foot) Side plank for 30 seconds on each side. =do this at least 1x a day

V's: (instructions: lay down on you back. Now lift your legs off the ground as high as you can and try to touch your toes (make sure your shoulders come off the ground) then go back to your starting position) Do 15 of these, a minute break, and then 15 more. =do this at least 1x a day

These are just a few of the many core workouts that you can do.

If you have questions or want more information contact me at:

IF you fail to prepare... prepare to fail  -Steve Prefontaine

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